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Friday, December 3rd 2021
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Tips for New Camgirls.
I would say that I am a competitive person, but that I am mainly competing to better myself. When I play a game, I want to win, but I'm more concerned in having played my good game. If the other person beats me, I want it to be because they're my new sensai, and I'm learning from their skills!

When I took tests at school, college or uni, I wanted to get full marks, but I also helped my peers with their proof reading, mutually, and helped my friends to learn the concepts in maths class as a kid, without giving them the answers, because I had often finished my work already. I was sometimes sent to the library during English class because I had finished all my work and the teacher wanted me to go and enlighten my mind with Brave New World or Animal Farm for independent study instead of just sitting there!

Yes, of course, I want to take it all in. So when I compete, I'm jousting. When I fuck, it's a game of chess. But I'm also very carnal, of course.

For the new-cummers to webcam ("work online"!), I would say that my best advice is to be Marmite! Break the mould. Be bold. Talk your mind. Stand out. Be nice to the other girls on the site and help them to succeed too. Our individual success does, in the end, rely on keeping this platform relevant and on getting the important messages, politically, sent up chain to the people with the business clout to reform the industry, so that our work is fun and rewarding, fair and safe!

Yes, I'm an idealist. Don't mask your quirks. Be brave enough to be true to yourself in the content that you put out. You'll find your audience. Find your niche. Don't stray too far from your limits or values. Your work will stay with you psychologically. Be strict and firm if someone asks you to venture into territory you can't put your heart into. Sometimes there are gray areas, yes. You can hang up the phone or cancel a booking at any time if somebody starts giving you red flags! Hold that power.

Intuition will develop over time. Trust your gut regarding safety and time wasters. Be polite anyway, and give people a chance, but don't spend your life in a constant back and forth with guys that don't seem to be valuing your time, skills and energy! We're here to entertain and it's lovely to make someone's day brighter, but we aren't here to be wank fodder without earning our rent money!

The best clients are really respectful and really do value our time and skills. They're fun to talk to. They appreciate us as humans. I'm not merely my body. I have so much more to give! So remember that and never let the trolls get you down! Your unique self is your selling point and your story is of value, and it's only going to get more interesting if you're entering into this world!

I hope everyone is having a good day and hello to any newcomers on the site! Welcome to a strange and kinky world of digital fun!

XxXxXx~ Kitty LeRoux ~xXxXxX
Tuesday, November 30th 2021
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I'm a Wildling!
I accidentally got my profile locked for about half an hour yesterday when my new VPN software put me North of the wall! I think it's sorted now but I was a bit stressed about it!

You do know I am a wildling though? Yes, I would totally fuck you in a cave! ;)

I've been musing on my redheaded roots. Firstly, the Romans, after taking most of Europe, when they got to Scotland, they shuddered in fear and put up a bloody wall to protect their empire! That's an impressive backstory for my people! Both of my parents are ginger. My maternal great grandparents were both Irish (making me at least a quarter Irish, and I love the accent!), but my surname is from the Shetland Isles and the translation means 'white', which is very apt! I cannot tan. My tan consists merely of freckles. I am a night walker! (So take me into that nice, dark cave, ASAP!)

Now, onto kink! Apparently redheads feel pain more sensitively but can take more of it! This certainly proves true for me. I am kinky as fuck. I'm a switch so I like to give and receive and generally be mischief on legs, but I have done some pretty intense kink scenes and dared people to try to get me to yield, and they failed. "Challenge accepted!"

There's definitely a thrill in that kind of dare. I also get a huge kick out of outdoor play and rough play. Sometimes my sex is more like a playfight (winner takes...!). I didn't go out on Hallowe'en this year but my outfit choices were a toss up between Poison Ivy and a Wildling girl. Which do you reckon? (Poison Ivy did seduce Harley Quinn, so that is also a fun fantasy!)
Tuesday, November 30th 2021
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Homewrecker Slut.
I've been asked to roleplay a guy's ex girlfriend. Apparently she called one day to tell him she had been out to fuck three other guys, get face-fucked and take a load of cum all over her, and then rang him to describe, in detail, what they had done to her before telling him she was dumping him. I guess he was feeling humiliated and aroused because his is one of the rare profiles for men on this site that actually has photos, and I do believe he may be wearing her boots! They're knee-high PVC boots and he specified that she had worn them while she went to get ravaged by these three guys and tell him in explicit detail what they had done to her. He says he's a dom but I feel like he wants me to domme him and get him down on his knees in those boots, lick the cum off of my slutty boots and make him beg to lick my pussy one last time before I leave him.

Enjoy your morning!

Sunday, November 28th 2021
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Missing the Party...
For the first time since the start of 2020, the polyamorous 'Sluts and Cuddles' party is back on. The last one in March 2020 was scheduled for a week after the first lockdown started, and, being super vigilant about it, the host cancelled, thinking we only had a 3 week lockdown ahead of us and it wouldn't be long until we were all naked in his kitchen, eating sweets off of the body of somebody's sub slut! Nope!

After the first lockdown, I met my toy boy boyfriend (in a carpark at 2am!) and deflowered him shortly after! But I kept promising to take him to the kinky slut parties and share him around, borrow some of their floggers and toys and play around! We were going to put on quite a show!

Problem is, now, when there's finally a party on, after 2 years, my boyfriend can't go! Things have been tough between us and this would be trial by fire anyway! But he really wants to experience it. Except the host asks that we self-isolate for a week, as well as taking 3 lateral flow tests, and my boyfriend has a trial shift for a new job this week! So he can't self-isolate this week. So he can't go.

I was thinking of going without him but it would be pretty disappointing for us both that he has been dreaming of coming along to play and explore since I met him (as a 23-year-old virgin!) and then I would be going without him and not even able to see him for the next week...

So I guess we're missing the party. Cheer me up...?
Sunday, November 28th 2021
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Free Redheaded Lesbian Cuckolding Fantasy Erotica!
Here's a fantasy for you, if you're into cuckolding!

You tell your wife or girlfriend to go out with the gals for the night, for a gourmet meal and champagne. After the meal, she's at the bar, and I walk in. I give her a flirtatious smile and look her up and down. She feels coy but flattered. I move closer and compliment her dress, which I tell her is hugging her curves beautifully. Maybe she can tell I am coming onto her, maybe she can't, yet.

I lean in and stroke her hair out of her face as she coyly looks to the floor, but can't help but notice my stockings under my silky red dress. I think she likes it.

Little does she know, you sent me here to seduce her, and to bring her upstairs to the master suite of the hotel room, which you have ready and waiting. The room has a hot tub and a super kingsized bed. Next to the bed is a large jar of coconut oil (my favourite lube), whips, floggers, paddles, and some of my softest cashmere scarves. I have already instructed you to get all of this ready, and to kneel in the corner with your dick bound and hard. You think you're about to have a threesome.

I lead your wife upstairs and into the room. I say it's my room for the night. I open the door, hiding you behind it, and lead her past to the hot tub. She'd too immersed in the moment to notice the toys next to the bed, yet.

We have no swimming costumes but she's feeling buzzed from the meal, the champagne, the fancy room, the flirtation. I turn the lights down and we giggle as we get into the warm water. But I feel like a game. Truth or dare. I go first. Truth. I fancy her. She goes next. Dare. I tell her to move towards the jets. They squirt a firm and continuous jet of warm water onto her clit. My go. Truth, I say. Your husband sent me here, I tell her. She seems embarrassed but her clit is throbbing too hard and she doesn't want to move. She admits that she always fantasised about women but never had the guts to seduce one. Dare, she says. I tell her, cum for me, and look me in the eye while she does it. The thrill of it sends her into immediate spasms and I smile as she moans louder and louder.

In the corner, you kneel, dick bound and throbbing, wanting so desperately to be in your wife, or in me, or at least in the hot tub watching us.

Truth, I say. Your husband is here watching. I have him on his knees in the corner. He brought toys and floggers to use on us but I'm going to use them on you while he watches. I'm going to make you cum again and again in front of him while he kneels and watches us. I'll leave your pussy so wet by the end of the night that your knickers will be soaked through and I'll make the two of you march home like that, all the way.

I bet your wife will now touch herself and think about getting her pussy licked and played with by every ginger girl she sees.

Happy Sunday!
Saturday, November 27th 2021
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I boycotted Christmas this year and decided instead to host a small party with a dozen of my dearest, weirdest, sexiest friends. Cam girls, artists, poets, photographers, etc. We had a roast dinner (with a delicious nut roast for the vegans cooked by MadameJoanne), plenty of wine and a game of Cards Against Humanity.

The evening moved on to snuggles and giggles, and clothes were strewn about instead of upon our persons. A friend arrived with charcoals and other art materials and we engaged in some impromptu life drawing. I must admit that I am quite proud of my efforts considering that I haven't picked up charcoal for about twelve years and was fairly merry by this point!

Bedded down lustfully but without overt shenanigans, the guests then departed. Hungrily I invited over a man-friend of mine with intention of fucking. We shared poetry but our efforts at sex were stifled by his lack of sleep and abundant seasonal intoxication. Frustrated. Another time.

But my dearest male partner, who some of you may have met on occasion, turned up to fill my loins with what they thirsted for. And yet I still crave...!

Yes, that was much more fun than carols and niceties.
Tuesday, November 16th 2021
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Vitamin D
I know I have talked before about how, when cooking, I suggest a lot of ginger. Now I'm posting to talk about vitamin D. I need to take it, regularly. It's really good for me. It puts me in a nice mood and keeps me active during these boring and stressful times! I try to take vitamin D every day. Orally is good but any way will bring you that golden sunshine of summer, all up in you. I like to tell my friends that they must take some vitamin D too, when they go home, to make up for not being able to frolick outside in a group. You really must administer some of your vitamin D supplies to friends right now to keep them going through the long, hard winters. It's even more important right now to get a regular injection of vitamin D into my body. I love it. I feel so good afterwards and I'm so grateful for it. Have a good evening! Keep well!
Tuesday, November 16th 2021
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Long phone chat fantasy with your wife...?
"I will admit that I have a very vivid imagination. I love to take really long sessions in the bedroom (3 hours? Yes please! Tie and tease and milk you dry!). I've been sent a photo of a man's ex wife (not explicit, but she's a cutie, and I totally would!). He said he would like to chat to me for nearly an hour while I talk dirty about the fantasy of playing with them both.

She used to be on this site, I think. She's a cute brunette, innocent smile, respectfully dressed, in her early 30s, I think. But I bet she could deep throat...!

I wonder if he will call me, and I'll chat about what I would do if she were my little sub slut for the night and he was my fuck toy, pleasure slave, human dildo, but also my director for what I did to his wife...! I love fisting subby girls and pulling their hair and giving them the best licking they could deserve, because I also have a clit, and I have a very agile tongue.

Can you roll your tongue? Mine pretty much dances. Oh, it's great for a blowjob as well but the ladies really, really like it! And I like getting them to submit and cum on my tongue in front of their husbands, and in front of our friends, and maybe while I'm getting some hard but sensual fucking too.

I had this fantasy once about being stacked on top of a subby woman, after foreplay, so it was like doggy style but I was on her, and the guy taking each of us for a few strokes, in turn, over and over. Dipping into her, then into me, making us each cum, and each wait for the dick again, almost begging for it in us, getting so wet all over his dick.

I did that.*

Wish me luck! (Or..
get in there first!)

-Kitty LeRoux :) xxx

*We were all getting regular checkups and this was before... the event! (Mitchell and Webb reference but I've been rewatching clips and it's taken on many extra layers of satire now!)"
Sunday, October 10th 2021
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What I've Been Up To...
I haven't been on Adultwork very much lately. Apologies! A lot has been going on! There have been a few obstacles, and a few visits from friends, which stop me sneaking off to talk dirty to you!

Firstly there's a leak in the cistern in the bathroom! Nightmare! It isn't full-on flooding the place but the hallway carpet got a little wet and I'm having to use a dehumidifier to sort it out! And I keep having nightmares about it!

Secondly, my boyfriend got a cold and I have invited him over to stay, seeing as I am immune to his man-flu(!) and worried he might otherwise pass it on! I've been dutifully cooking him healthful (and spicy!) meals to help him recover, offering vitamins, and, err, keeping his heartbeat in good order! (When he's well enough!).

He's starting to get better now so I guess I will have to let him go back to normal day-to-day life, and not be in my bed every night like he was for the past few days! We don't live together but I love having someone to snuggle up to! And I love being greeted with Morning Glory! ;) ...Even if he is feeling too drained to follow through. It's the thought that counts!!! ;) x

Aside from that, I cooked an apple crumble with one of my gal pals, from apples I foraged locally. It was DELICIOUS! Soo good. I highly recommend going to forage apples right now! And we got some sloes too! It looks like perhaps the blackberries may be over, but I am keen to attempt a foraged nettle and ricotta pasta shell dish in a tomato sauce, with mozzarella! I did it with spinach and it was great, but I am really into foraging (hobby level!)

I have a friend visiting who I know from about a decade about, back when the Brighton alternative scene... existed! He's moving nearby so that will be cool! I'm also thinking of moving (not too far), quite soon. I want things to calm down a little. I'm right in the centre of things and it's sometimes too hectic!

I have some strawberries and wild strawberries (so intense in strawberry goodness, and so, so tiny!), and I would just love to grow pot after pot of them from the offshoots, and sell my fruity little gems on for a quid, next spring/summer. I also want to focus on my art and modelling, and my random million other business ideas! I have so much to give in so many areas other than nudies! Although I know that those ARE appreciated! lol! (Although my bf might be up for some duo cam fun!!!)

I also saw one of my half sisters for the first time in about 20 years! And, although we don't look alike (I am double ginger!), we jelled very nicely! Both of us went to pick up some really tiny miniature tarot cards in one of the hippie gift shops! I can't deal with incense though! I love the more natural fragrances! ;)

I do love learning tarot. I don't think it predicts or determines the future, as such, but it connects our conscious and unconscious minds and our instincts, intuition, abstract reasoning, etc. I believe in it as a medium of divination, on the basis that we are all part of this intricate pattern of existence and our minds operate based on narratives, so offering potential narratives and letting a person choose which aspects make sense... makes sense...!

Is magick a placebo effect, or is the placebo effect magick? Both, in my opinion. It is equally true either way, and whatever works, it works! Solutions, not disputes! (But... I will fully debate the topics with anyone who is keen to pay for my time and energy for that purpose, and we will have fun doing it! lol!)

I am open to ideas outside of what I have considered, so if you are too... Yes, it could be fun! Anyways, eat well, rest up if you need to (don't push it too far; we need survival mode right now, not showing off!), give each other some affection, connect with old friends, and we will get through this! x
Tuesday, July 13th 2021
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Sociology, In Stockings, And The Football...!
England lost the finals by one goal on penalties. Although I'm not that invested in football, I did enjoy watching the semi final and final (although I had to watch the final through the window of a pub, while sat on a table outside, and half the pubs in town were actually shut because the staff wanted the night off!!!)

That aside, I feel like a lot was invested in those games. It's important to a lot of people, and it also serves as a metaphorical battle (thank fuck we have sports to substitute actual warfare if we can). This wasn't just England Vs. Italy. This was Europe Vs. Britain. Europe Vs. Brexit Britain. This was high stakes. The ripple effects, I cannot predict fully, in broader terms, but I can tell you what has happened locally already.

I told my friends, when we went to watch the finals: if England lose, be ready to make a hasty exit. Even if we win, the adrenaline and alcohol can be a dangerous mix. So, I said, just be ready to get out of there! Sadly, I was proven correct, and a fight erupted with around 20 men (and a few women, who actually started it!). I grabbed my bag and got straight out of there!

It went on for about 3 minutes. The police were called, and, hearing that, people dispersed. In the meantime, I stood about 20 meters away, in hope that in would calm down. Two young lads, not seeming particularly drunk, but likely having left the next pub along, having watched the game, wanted to go past the crossing where the conflict was unraveling. I directed them down a side street to pass more safely.

These things can get intense! Yes, it's just a game... But it also isn't. Domestic violence levels escalate after these kinds of events, for one thing. I hope that is short lived, although I had a huge argument (not physical) with my boyfriend that night too. One goal, in penalties, after months of this non-military battle with the rest of Europe... The ripple effects could be quite powerful. The narratives are very powerful.

Football is "coming home", they said. Sports and nationalism can become very much wrapped up together. I was sad, when it all ended, to be one of only a couple of people who cheered on England for their success and perseverance, despite the result. They worked really hard and deserve to be congratulated for it. One penalty shot does not invalidate their efforts!

If you support England, whether or not you care about football, this match was critical for the morale of the country, which impacts upon our economy. Working on Adultwork, I get to chat to a lot of guys, from different walks of life. I have seen how this has affected their psyches. It's an important cultural event, and it has changed the patterns of my work!

There's much more to think about here that just the football, when it comes to thinking about the football!!! And, I'm doing it in fishnet stockings! ;)
Saturday, July 3rd 2021
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It's Cumming Home! It's Cumming...! ;) x
So, 4-0! Well done, boys! Now it's time for you to celebrate with me! A bit of naughty fun is called for. So, why don't you cum home and join me? I'm about to log into cam and will be treating all cummers to a free preview tonight. I'm in the mood for a late one. This should be fun! I know that when England win, it puts everyone in a really invigorated and energetic state! I can hear someone letting off fireworks behind my flat right this second! And I heard the cheers from the pub when I popped out to the shop around half time! The supermarket were playing We Are The Champions even then! Haha!

If you're not into football, it's not the main focus of what I'll be talking about tonight! I have some much more naughty things in mind. But it should be a good night!

If you want me to wish you goodnight tonight, with a relaxing orgasm, I'm... Game! Hehe! <3 x
Monday, May 3rd 2021
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Morning glory?
I've been up since the crack of dawn today. I fancied some early nights and a good, restful weekend for a change! (Usually I'm a night owl and I made the most of being able to go out again with friends to the pub last week! Shame there's no dancing yet (I'm going to eagerly follow the pilot schemes testing whether a clear covid test requirement means that venues can open up again for live music and dancing!).

I digress! I'm currently sat outside, enjoying the birdsong and the peace of the morning. It really relaxes me to sit out in nature and I'm lucky to have been out in the countryside a lot over the past year! So, I'm going to take a little time to soak in the glory of the morning. Then how about I help sort out yours? ;)

I'll be turning on my phone chat and Direct IM as soon as I get home and sorting breakfast. Hopefully it will be something tasty and hot! :P x
Sunday, February 21st 2021
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Wet From The Shower and Back On Cam!
So, I just had a nice long shower. Now I'm sat here, dripping wet, doing my makeup as I get ready to turn my cam on tonight! The cam show theme for this Saturday night? Fantasy, roleplay adultery. Pretend I'm the girl from your office, your neighbour, your ex girlfriend, the woman you spotted across the room but couldn't talk to. I'll be her for the night. Things will get steamy.

You know what else has been steamy tonight? Power. Shower. I'll let you into a little secret. I'm cheating on my boyfriend. He knows about it. Household items are within the remits of the relationship! I'll leave the rest to your imagination! Now, you leave your fantasies to mine...! He isn't visiting tonight. I'm all on my own, putting on a sexy, cute, very low cut peach dress!

I promise I won't tell if you don't!
Thursday, February 4th 2021
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Glamour and Illusion.
So, this is something that a lot of us who work in the adult industry (or anywhere in the public eye) feel on a regular basis: the pressure of maintaining an image that can, at times, to varying degrees, be an Illusion. In particular, there's a pressure to always look your best, to always be friendly and fun, to always be positive. There's also the pressure to look glamorous. Not just your appearance, but your lifestyle. So much of this is about the lifestyle. It helps if you do enjoy what you do, but even that isn't quite enough. I know that I have personally given the impression that I do a lot more exciting meets than I really do (although my private sex life is no exaggeration!), that I spend time in fancy hotels (it was a tenner a night above the cheapest I could get, although good value for that), that I'm travelling all over the pacey (I have only left my hometown a few times a year and that was to top up the gas and electric meters). So, basically, it looks like an exciting job, but it's really just any job, and just as much a struggle now as any furloughed job. I'm self employed but I only registered again too late to get the grant. It's an injustice, because I was registered (autocorrect: "frustrated"!) before covid began. Now it's a full tax year, plus! But the grants will not support us for lost income. I haven't done any intimate meets since before the first lockdown. To be honest, I did far less than it might appear. I have over a thousand unanswered emails and I'll never be able to reply to them all. I'm sorry if one of those was yours! I'm autistic and I can only manage a fraction if the work that I could, in theory, do. But I can't. I do really appreciate the affection that some of you have given me though! I try to be an inspiration where I can, and to remind you to stay strong and look to the future. I'm talking to myself as much as any of you. But I mean it. I hope your day is going better than mine is, and that you're looking after yourselves. Go and get some fresh air and a good dinner and I hope to chat to you soon!

This image, I thought, sums up the juxtaposition (autocorrect: "illusion"!) between the day-to-day self and the person in the pictures and the mirror again I get dressed up. I'm one of the girls on here who gives the truer version of my real self, I think. I understand the pressure that gets girls in the glamour industry to obsess over perfection and to feel like they can't perform without looking their absolute best. My opinion is that a smile goes further than botox, but that's for you to judge! We all have our own preferences and I don't judge anyone who wants to tweak their appearance a little. They must be doing it for a reason! I guess, as a redhead, a fake tan wouldn't flatter me anyway. I've never tried, although my sister did. I'm pale and interesting, and, after some hard times and bullying in my teens, glad to be so. I like my freckles now and my red hair. I'm at one with my curves and not looking like a glamour model. But I do enjoy my pinup photo shoots!

Another thing, too! I took virtually all of my photos myself, on my webcam, hiding the mouse that I used to click to shoot! Or else, I filmed a video and then screenshotted! Secrets of a cam girl! I know a lot of girls can make £70k a year as an escort. I never earned more than £12k and usually much less. I'm a part timer. I would do more but my autism and chronic pain won't let me. If I work hard for one week, I spend three in bed, unable to do basic tasks. It's the fibromyalgia. It gives me fatigue. But I love to dance anyway. I wouldn't stop dancing for anything!

-Kitty LeRoux

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